15-year-old aspiring filmmaker Morgan Spence spent 3 weeks putting together a stop-motion animation for the book trailer of LEGO masterbuilder Warren Elsmore‘s Brick Flicks. Working...
Bailey the Golden Retriever gained internet fame as the “I have no idea what I’m doing” dog and now she’s running with thememe, showing everyone...
23 Easy Five-Ingredient Dinner Recipes
2 min read
Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed 1. Spaghetti Carbonara damndelicious.net Spaghetti + egg + cheese + garlic + bacon. (Optional: parsley to garnish.) Get the recipe. 2....
1 min read
The most important lesson that motivates you is that you should never under estimate yourself. Once you surrender in your life then no one can...
Annalisa Hartlaub, a 16-year-old Ohio State University student created an art project for one of her classes called “Counter//Culture”. The Project is a series of...
Zippos from Vietnam
1 min read
These Zippos belonged to US soldiers who engraved them with texts that are sometimes optimistic, but more often pessimistic as hell. (Read more about the project,...
El Gobierno español busca tranquilizar a su población respondiendo a las preguntas básicas en un cuestionario que resumimos aquí: 1. ¿Qué es la enfermedad por...
Lejos de agotarse, la polémica por la endeblez del nuevo iPhone 6 Plus no para de crecer. Desesperados por defender a la marca de sus...
En los últimos años la tecnología de vestir ha encontrado su lugar dentro de la moda, pero ninguno de estos gadgets ha logrado reemplazar...
En cuestión de días, la nueva red social Ello, descrita como el “anti Facebook” por su postura sobre la privacidad y publicidad, se ha convertido...